Get in touch with us!
Would you like more information or are there any uncertainties? We will be happy to answer your questions personally!
jobwunder team
TUBS GmbH - Department Fairs & Exhibitions
Phone: +49 (0)30 44 72 02 50
Fax: +49 (0)30 44 72 02 88
Venues & Opening Hours
Technische Universität Berlin (on site) / jobwunderPORTAL (digital event platform)
20-22 June 2023, from 10:00-17:00
Berliner Hochschule für Technik (on site) / jobwunderPORTAL (digital event platform)
27 June 2023, from 10:00-17:00h
The planning and implementation of "jobwunder - Die Karrieremesse" is carried out in close cooperation with the Career Service of the TU Berlin and the Career Service of the BHT by TUBS GmbH - TU Berlin ScienceMarketing. As a 100% subsidiary of the Technical University and as a company, our goal is to strengthen the synergies between science and business. With this in mind, "jobwunder - Die Karrieremesse" focuses on the potential for skilled workers at Berlin-Brandenburg's universities and colleges, which attract over 230,000 students each year.
In addition, we are happy to support you with our many years of experience in professional event organisation - from seminars to international congresses, target group-oriented trade fair presentations, university-level study programmes and other customised solutions for your academic institution. You can find an overview of the entire service portfolio of TUBS GmbH here. Feel free to contact us!